Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Still searching

Searching through the blog archives I came across this blog. It seems that Andrei Yashurin A Russian blogger has been writing articles on truth. I stumbled upon his writings because he recently wrote an entry on a meaningful life. He speaks generously about the universe and the spirit which guides us. He says:

Peace doesn’t always come to us when we seek it for its own sake. Peace is a by-product of living a meaningful life. It is a natural state for those who realize their place in the universal scheme of things, and build their lives upon this realization.

The sense of meaning gives us an exalted vision. We begin to see ourselves and all the things which concerns our life from the universal perspective. What is the result? Small things which could trouble us before, lose their importance to us. We treat them as temporary setbacks and valuable lessons to learn from, rather than inherently tragic events. Knowing that all that happens contribute to our ultimate success, we don’t worry.

Meaningful life doesn’t depend on place which we hold in life. It is the attitude which inspires us to be our best, no matter what is our place. Even if it seems that there is nothing great about who we are and what we do, we live with a deep conviction that we are needed and important. We see ourselves not as victims of circumstances, but as responsible creators of our life. While being the best at where we are, we stay open to another stage of our personal unfoldment which will be revealed to us at due time.

To read the full entry please visit http://unityway.net/blog/?p=80

1 comment:

Jean-Jacques said...

This is amazing, because I also stumbled across Andrei's blog and found it to be very inspiring and well written, yet balanced and realisticisx. I made contact with him via e-mail a few weeks ago - he's a very pleasant person. Used to be a translator for American groups travelling in Russia.
PS: Congrats with finally finding your Meaningful Job! :-)